Monday, 23 June 2014

Brain Stroke : A Health Guide /// Be Alert against Brain Attack

In the Book of Calidascope of a Stroke written by Mr George Jacob on the stroke he had in 2005  during a day in hospital that had parallised his right side of the body and the dramatic event and recovery he had to normal life cured due to support and treatment he had . He was helped by his friend who is college and friend and a doctor in Lakeshore hospital Mr Gigi Kiruvit . 

Mr George Jacob , who is working in Gigi Kurvit in lakeshore hospital survived the stroke that had parallised half of the body . 

As usual  one day in PVS hosptial , after having a long operation , Mr George Jacob felt very tired and take rest in lunch time . Later while he was going for the routine Rounds in the Hospital , the nurse who accompany with him find that his face lips shape is changed  and think that Dr is acting like this. In few second Dr George Jacob fall down unconsious ,why . This is due to Stroke . He then suddenly taken to Lissy hospital for scanning and later find that his brain vessel had string causing blood blocks and cotting. He is then taken to Lakshore hospital for brain surgery by Gigi Kurivatt a Cadiac surgent , a friend and college in Kottayam medical college and after the surgery also his condition went worse and kept is Intensive unit . He is later taken to appollo or vellore hospital for Physio therapy and later brought back to normal life during his duties that he never able to think that he will do the endoscopy operation again. 
Even though doctors was not a acholoic , cigrate smoking, cholersol, excess fat or heart patient , it is scientifically find that this stroke is due to by birth  disorder in nervous or spinal cord disorders 
 The details are mentioned
Brain Stroke : A  Health Guide
Be Alert against Brain Attack

High B.P and Several other reason Brain one portion become non functioning is Brain stroke.The  preventive way, curable treatment , and other precautionary measures  can be know . 
Brain stroke : Heart attack , Life style diseases list is with one more disease  in Medical science  and in society is mentioned as Brain Stroke word. Blood Clotting and Blood  bleeding  can result in Brain disabnormalities   is know as Brain attack or brain stroke is mentioned .Heart non functioning  is heart attack and brain non  functioning is brain stroke.
Blood clotting and blood bleeding  reason results providing required quantity of oxygen in the right direction .  That may result in that direction blood cell to destroy and  brain functioning start slowing down  .Brain cells in that portion  in the split of time result in reduced supply of oxygen   not able to withstand or control . Through blood if the minerals and oxygen is not reaching results in the making the cell die . If this continuous this body cells will completely dies . This on right time cannot be rectified and on time medical treatment not provided results in death .

Stroke two types

Brain blood vessels fat content may cause blood to cott and blocking the blood circulation incident is Elastic Stroke . Body other area blood vessels forming blood cott  in blood automatically flow brain vessels portion blocks  can results in stroke . Over blood pressure can cause Brain small size blood vessels to burst to form blood bleeding, and by this blood cannot reaching an area to make blood cell to die results in Hemarage stroke . 

What are the reasons 

carotic organs shrinking : Person  mind, speaking abilities , Movement , control brain front  big blood vessels is Carotic arteries .  hardening resulting crack on vessel walls, the deposit from walls collected in vessel moves to brain small tubes reach brain and causing strokes . Blood hardening and blood blocks blocking the blood veins . Artery disable  portion in every heart beat blows like a balloon sitwation Cardio Artery Anuriam crack result paralysis or high blood beeding results in Hemorrhage . 

Mini Stroke 

Brain getting low ration of blood, Artery blood block blockage , resulting Paralysis symptoms are Transmiant Eskimit attack “TIA”.This is called Mini stroke . this will be for minutes or hours , Body itself responding and  normally it is overcomed  .  But it is necessary to rush the patient to hospital . This can paralysis the body . The  TIA person should prevent this paralysis sitwation 


Paralysis stroke arising situation body  visible symptoms give importance .  if this is understood can reduce the magnitude of stroke or paralysis . They are a) suddently visible lost or not clear visibility in one or two eyes .b) Face on side or body on side or one hand become disable and suddenly not able to walk c) body balance lost d) Head twisting  e) not able to speak properly f) sudden head ache g) memory loss h) swallowing difficulty . As this symptoms are for minutes , not one take care of it and go for treatment . Each reason stroke had different reaction . Sudden headache , vomiting, brain pain, blood bleeding , is a result of this stroke . Head ache is due to blood bleeding above brain . Blood block can have headache but  is not always happening 

Understanding the reason 

New life style will give high blood pressure  Blood pressure not controlling can result in higher body paralysis and also causing heart problems . Blood pressure treatment is a proper solution . High cholesterol increase fat in blood veins can cause stoke  . Abnormal heart beat and heart value over thickening result cardiopaty diseases can result in brain stroke . Alcohol and cigarette smoking can cause stroke .hereditary is also a cause of stroke .Men had more change of getting stroke . 

First aid medicine : Paralysis can be identified by symptoms and sudden medical treatment is necessary . A code FAST is checked

Face : Look in the face,  can be smile , Face look changing .
Arm : Can he raise the two hands
Speech : Can he speak , is there any pronunciation problem
Time : Top answers is ok , take him  immediately to hospital 

Immediate treatment is best way of curing . so the first 3 to 5 minute is important . This time is golden hours . Scanning the brain and identifying the number of stoke and the damages caused in the brain is a method of giving treatment to stroke . So admit the person in the C.T scan hospital . 

First C.T scan will give reports on whether this stoke is due to blood bleeding or blood hardening or clotting . . The Damage in the blood veins can be viewed in MRI scan . Magnetic Resonance  Angiography strong magent can used to trace the Brain and artery details and can get the picture in detail . Along with that for other checking can be done . Caratic blood vessel clear picture as well as to inject die is possible and to check the blood circulation . 

Medicine and Physiotherapy 

Blood clotting creating block in brain can be curable by Thombolisis treatment . The Blood is injected to through the vein for on hours and for 24 hr blood pressure had to be checked. 24 to 48 hours next scan picture to know the treatment procedure . Aspirin is given to avoid repeated stroke along with other medicine . How big is stroke as per the calculation the person can leave the hospital .

By Thombolisis the Blood clott can completely removed , Paralysis can be overcome by Thombolisis . This treatment had other side effect . The Blood clott removal is curable but will increase the flow of blood to brain causing brain vessel to break and causing blood bleeding resulting in paralysis .By Stroke if the person movement and speaking ability is loosed can be overcome by Physiotherapy . . if stroke is happened on the left side of the brain , the paralysis can happen on the right side and if stroke is happened on the right side of the brain ,paralysis can happen on the left side of the body . The Paralysis can result in body one portion , leg or hand to disable , body control movement , correct way of walking , sitting or standing , some men cannot talk properly , pain , movement and thinking can be done simultaneously . 

Preventive treatment .

Due to the Block in  veins , doctor prescribe ways to improve the blood circulation .
1.     carotid Endarterectomy
2.     Carotid Artery stenting
After Paralysis
Brain stroke major reason is blood pressure . The Family had to give good support for the patient to recover and do it duty with the help of the walking stick and to go for a new job . Good Body weight had to be maintained , and daily exercise had to be done . Fat reducing , by Vegetable, fruits . stop alcohol drinking , and avoid smoking . Reduce mental tension and fill the mind with happiness . 

Dr George Jacob who survived the stroke and had a normal life .



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